Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Have the Rules of Job Search Changed

Have the Rules of Job Search Changed If you havent been job hunting within the last year, I think youll find things are a bit different. In fact, the rules of job search have changed. These are 5 ways the rules of job search have changed and what you need to do to improve how you search for a new job. Competition is Fierce In many industries and pockets of the country, hiring is on the upswing. Thats good news. As a matter of fact, there has probably not been a better time to look for work in the last three years! But, and this is a huge BUT! Competition is fierce. There are tons of qualified (even over-qualified) candidates applying for every job. Why does this matter to you? Here are just three things you can do to better compete. You will want to: Stand out! Do more than just sit back and expect a call! Be well connected! STAND OUT The resume you submit has to be specifically crafted to match the job and company you are applying for You should have a strong personal brand and online presence You will need to understand keywords and search engine optimization BE ASSERTIVE Find inside connections  who can give you the low-down on what is going on in the hiring process Follow up after you apply for every job and dont give up when you dont hear back Be hungry and sure about what you are looking for and the value you add HAVE A STRONG SPHERE OF INFLUENCE Know key people inside and outside of your industry Build strong relationships with friends, family and past colleagues Give as much as you get and always be paying it forward (help other people) Timing is everything While your sense of urgency is quite real, the companies doing the hiring operate under a clock that moves and a much slower pace. Hiring takes longer. There are fires that need to be put out which take precedence over filling an opening. Be patient. Switch your approach by doing more of these things! The bottom line here is that people hire people! Period!

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